Don’t know what to post on your business Instagram? Here’s 5 ideas to fill your feed.

By now you must know and appreciate the importance of digital marketing for your small business. However many small business owners don’t know what to post on their socials . Here’s 5 ideas to post on your business Instagram feed.

1.Product posts
A great place to start when it comes to filling your Instagram feed is having high quality pictures and videos of the products. It is without question that one of the most important things that potential customers want to see when they visit your Instagram feed is the kind of products or services that you offer. Your posts should help convey a feeling or a mood, an aesthetic i.e. something that people can associate with your brand. This could be class, affordability, style etc. Take note to include interesting captions and not just a product name. Use your products to tell a story. The quality of pictures is also of utmost importance and it is a good investment to have a photographer take product pictures.

2.Behind the scenes content
People love behind-the-scenes content. They love to know what really goes on in the creation of your product or in the delivery of the services. This helps them decide if they can trust you enough with their hard earned money. Behind the scenes content creates transparency and allows your audience to get to know the real people or person behind your brand. It develops trust and also fosters
appreciation for the effort that is put into your brand. This kind of content does not always have to be picture perfect and can be quirky and in the form of short videos or ordinary pictures.

3. Customer appreciation
Customer appreciation posts are one of the most persuasive types of content. They help to prove the legitimacy of your brand and show that there are actual clients who are buying your products or enjoying your services. It shows that you are engaged with your community and that you appreciate and value your clients. It makes your customers feel appreciated and acknowledged and thereby fostering brand loyalty. Also, what better way to convince people to buy a product than by showing them how your product has made other people happy. People are more likely to trust the opinions of your customers then to take your word for it. When they see the impact your services or products have had on other people, it makes them want the same.

4.Contests/ Giveaways
Contests and giveaways are a great way to get engagement fast. Contests get people excited and talking about your brand. They also encourage people to like, comment and tag friends to join in the competition. Everybody loves free things and a little competition never hurt anyone.

Posting short videos showing followers how to use or, take care of products is a great content idea! Posting this kind of content makes you valuable to your potential customers. It can also give customers ideas on how to use your products etc styling videos for your fashion brand or posting recipes supporting your vegetable delivery business. They are a great way to convince the potential customer why they need to get that product.

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